Monday, January 21, 2013

Any ideas for different subjects

If any of you have ideas what topics I should review give a comment below. 

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Resident Evil Animes (Quick Review)

Two very great animes if your into that sort of thing. They are bloody, but on the language department they are not bad. So I would say buy them, I would recommend them in High definition, the hd copies have a lot better visuals. Also the picture brightens up, or that might of been the torrent copy of Resident Evil damnation. But I bought that one on blu ray and it's just an excellent copy. So I highly recommend these to watch if your into Zombie and or resident evil.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

My video production my price model if any video work is needed.

Forza Horizon

Great game, this game is off the charts in just pure size. I recommend installing the game on Xbox prob help little less stress on the xbox. Though the game still spins while playing, can't complain with graphics. Cars are outstanding, also the game has awesome sense of speed. O really recommend this game, I would say it really online based so u may need Xbox live get huge benefit. Please leave comment for a game or movie u recommend.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Castlevania Lords of Shadow review

This was a great game I had my doubts about it due to its rating. But then I found out the game is just little vulgar with some of the creatures in the game. But nothing totally outrageous, plus you really don't have much of it. Also I really don't think the game use for sexual purposes. This I thought was nice that I could play a God of War style game with out trash in the game. So all in all the story was nice, very addicting and you just keep coming back for more. I would say that I recommend this game to Teens of maybe 16 an up. This game is pretty graphic and violent.  So go out an get the game its not that expensive plus the sequel will  becoming out this year.