Sunday, December 30, 2012

Castlevania Lords of shadow review to come

I'll be doing a review of Castlevania: Los soon maybe video. To say so far I like the game.

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Halo 4

Campaign awesome, multiplayer can't complain. Just a must for shooter fans an some multiplayer to kill time.

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Well I hope y'all have a Merry Christmas

Maynard Reviews here wishes you all a Merry Christmas!

Brandon Michael Maynard

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Walking Dead Season 4

Skyfall review (Quick Review)

Well I'm a huge James bond fan and I really like Daniel Craig as the current bond. The last two movies were good, and Skyfall doesn't disappoint. The movie is very action packed, also great story. I would recommend you see it if you like action movies. Also if your a James Bond fan this movie would be a must. Not much more I can say I'm probably part of long line of people that liked this movie. Just go see it!

Lightning returns pic 2

Lightning returns pic

Lightning returns

From current viewing of trailers I can see where some say it looks like Assassins creed might be the presentation. Yet their two different games, Final Fantasy is an RPG and with the 13 series of their games, they have been wanting to go for more exploration as fans complained since FFXIII. It makes since why the new game an last of the Final Fantasy 13 might come off as looking like Assassins creed because of the more exploration they are creating in this game. I'm excited for the new game coming along i really enjoy these games. The first one FFXIII has to be by far one of my favorite games of all time.

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Resident Evil Light gun Chronicles on WII

Quick review: I would say these are a great way to see the old story of resident evil without buying the older games. Though some story differences, its a fun multiplayer game just blowing away mutants and zombies. Who would not enjoy that plus brings games that don't work on flat screens, which are old Duck hunt style games to the the modern age. Though little more gorey than duck hunt but still fun. All in all I would recommend these if you just want a quick site into the older resident evil age with fixed up visuals, though some story changes which is little downer(if I'm correct on the story change subject), but works with the style change. Also the darkside chronicles game adds a story that does not exist as its own. Also the umbrella chronicles has another story along with it and some characters that you can also play as. I highly recommend these if you own a wii or ps3 and have some free time on your hands bring along a friend and have fun.

Follow up of FFXIII review

This a review just of the first Final Fantasy 13 game.

To my current reviews

To all the people reading my posts please comment tell me what you think or recommend me.

Resident Evil (Games) as a whole

I'm a huge fan of the zombie created series that is Resident Evil. Resident evil has had a strong beginning bring survival horror to flagship title for Capcom. Though Resident Evil has seen some changes in 2005 with Resident Evil 4 which I think is a change for the series to bring in more fans. But the title still keeps elements for the die hardest fan of the series which love what other call broken controls. The horror is there, the puzzles even though not as hard as classic Resident evil. Though I think that built Resident evil wasn't the fighting but the puzzles and creators. Though fighting in the game was big part for the mutated bosses of early Resident Evil. Like Resident Evil 0 with the leeches and the boss Queenie. Resident Evil 1with the boss Tyrant, Resident Evil 2 with Birkins, Resident Evil 3 Nemesis (my favorite), Resident Evil 4 Saddler, Resident Evil 5 Wesker, Resident Evil 6 could say simonds but the story is much larger, Resident Evil code veronica: Veronica, etc. I could go more on but some games still working on. So all in all with this I could say you couldn't go wrong with any of the games, though this coming from a huge fan. The series just needs to come back to what it was or find something in between that the die hardest fans could enjoy, but bring some new people into the mix. The series has strayed away with the current release which i like the story, though a lot of others don't like it. Nothing in the game really has my favorite elements like the olden days of Resident Evil. Just like Resident Evil 5 which really stripped the elements of Resident Evil and made the game into action movie. The games still have your ugly horrific creatures of Resident Evil which draw the fans, but lack the time it use to take to play Resident Evil. The mind blowing difficult puzzles is whats missing just old third person resident evil is gone. If your interested in the resident evil series start from the beginning play them all. If your a action fan you might like the later releases which are 4,5, and 6. Still I'm missing some of the games like Revelations on the handheld which is suppose to come to consoles which i'll have to play and see where it fits. Most likely from reviews I've seen fits in the actiony section of the franchise.

The Expendables

I enjoyed both of these action movies, which were made by Rambo himself. The first movie might have some language but not as bad as Die hard or some others. First one has some gore which is a lot of those movies have, but the second has a lot more. I'm action fan an I do enjoy the die hard films as well and you can't go wrong with these. Some people I've heard say it really doesn't have a plot but an action movie doesn't need the thickest plot. It's all about the explosions, shooting, and the funny one liners. I guess action is not everyones favorite. If your looking for something for a not so busy weekend rent these or if you have netflix the first is on there. Second will probably be on there soon, and I should say the second really doesn't have much language at all. So all in all I really recommend these action movies and I'm waiting for the next one.

FFXIII so far

I've never been a person to play RPG's but Final Fantasy 13 was my first. I really enjoyed the story, that I could not stop playing was just enjoying the visuals. They were your reward coming through a tough boss battle, you just wanted to know what was going on. Also what is going to happen to the characters, this fed up to a good ending long cinematic scene done well. The next game I thought was good, took me good while  to get through it. Was different, really different from the first but fed to the great Final fantasy 13 elements of the story. You could almost say shows a lot of background stuff you didn't see, I might be wrong with that but it's the darker side of things. But if you played the first, I would say the second is a must if your into the story in all. Which I would say for these game's is kind of a must, it would be hard to play a rpg just for the level grinding an gameplay. The story feeds you, then challenges you through the gameplay to finish the story. All in all I would highly recommend these games, this coming from a person that has just been in the Resident Evil realm of things.

The whole twilight saga

Just to say the saga I really enjoyed it, was well made. I've never read the books, I didn't know much of the stories, but you just get engulfed in it by watching. You just want to know what happens next, this coming from a guy. They are considered girly movies, a guy could enjoy these. The movies don't push any boundaries they stay within PG-13, they with romance parts are about as bad as a James bond film. Also later in the movies their is a good amount of action. The movies also don't stick on the romance parts too long they move around. Their is some great CG action in the movie too, its interesting watching behind the scenes on how they put this whole thing together. So all in all I really enjoyed the saga, one thing maybe that I down is toward the end of it all gets a lot more romance, but doesn't ruin the movies.