Thursday, December 20, 2012

FFXIII so far

I've never been a person to play RPG's but Final Fantasy 13 was my first. I really enjoyed the story, that I could not stop playing was just enjoying the visuals. They were your reward coming through a tough boss battle, you just wanted to know what was going on. Also what is going to happen to the characters, this fed up to a good ending long cinematic scene done well. The next game I thought was good, took me good while  to get through it. Was different, really different from the first but fed to the great Final fantasy 13 elements of the story. You could almost say shows a lot of background stuff you didn't see, I might be wrong with that but it's the darker side of things. But if you played the first, I would say the second is a must if your into the story in all. Which I would say for these game's is kind of a must, it would be hard to play a rpg just for the level grinding an gameplay. The story feeds you, then challenges you through the gameplay to finish the story. All in all I would highly recommend these games, this coming from a person that has just been in the Resident Evil realm of things.

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